Hey guys, this is my first blog in this blog I'll be talking about Java. First we will know what is Java.
Java is a third generation object oriented programming language. It was developed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems.
Image source: unsplash.com
#Evolution of Java
Java project was named after the "Oak" tree stood outside James office .It was renamed Java after a trademark dispute with Oak technology. Java was officially released in the year 1995. It was designed for customer electronic devices such as televisions,washing machines,toasters.....
Java kept on upgrading over years.
#Types of Java programs
✔Stand Alone Applications
✔Internet Applets
→Stand Alone Applications-This refers to a Java program that run indipendently on a computer. Example-Ms Word
Its further divided into two types
✯Console based Java applications-Console bases Java applications uses a text only interface. Example-Cmd.exe
Image source:Technipages
✯GUI based Java applications-In these Java applications command buttons,text fields,mouse....is used.Example-Calc.exe
→Internet applets-This includes graphical webpages.This directly runs on users machine on a web browser.
#Machine Language
Computers were developed to carry out instructions written in machine language. Machine languauge instructions are expressed as binary numbers called machine codes. it is written in the form of 0 and 1. Example-10001001
#Assembly Language
Writing programs was a tedious process and was prone to errors. An Assembler translates assembly language to machine code.
#High level languages The restrictions in the usage of machine and assembly language prompted people to develop a language which is
→Simple and user friendly
→Language that is machine indipendent
Sample code↓
#What is the work of an interpreter
It is a program that translates the source code into machine code line by line.
#What is the work of a compiler
It translates source code ito machine code all at one before the program runs.
Image source:pixabay.com
#Features of Java
♣It is simple and easy to learn
♣Java is a robust and reliable programming language
♣It is secure because it allows only applets to confine to Java runtime environment only.
♣It is also a multithretaned programming language.
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